The new Property Manager within Akamai Luna enables the user to realize nearly every idea for the CDN within Luna.
Especially the possiblility to use wildcard (*) within match-rules gives a lot of freedom to the user.
Nevertheless, most of the time when you create a rule containing an asterisk symbol and test it afterwards you will notice that the rule does not work at all. How comes ?
It's a very easy cause: Akamai gives you the possibility to use the asterisk symbol as pure syntax or as wildcard, but you have to tell Luna how you want it to be treated within the rule you created.
To achive this press the gear-symbol in your match-rule and choose the option "Wildcards in name". Now the asterisk symbol is recognized as wildcard.
Logo notepads Especially the possiblility to use wildcard (*) within match-rules gives a lot of freedom to the user.
Nevertheless, most of the time when you create a rule containing an asterisk symbol and test it afterwards you will notice that the rule does not work at all. How comes ?
Logo umbrellas Nevertheless, most of the time when you create a rule containing an asterisk symbol and test it afterwards you will notice that the rule does not work at all. How comes ?
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