Why does Configuration Manager not allow to enable Real User Monitoring (RUM)?
There are two steps in the provisioning of Real User Monitoring(RUM) reports. First step is to create the configuration that specifies the URLs for which performance data need to be gathered. This is done by following the Configure mega menu and choosing Real User Monitoring from Luna CC. Detailed steps can be found in Real User Monitoring Guide. Second step is to enable Real User Monitoring by choosing the optional feature when configuring the Edge Server Configuration for the relevant Digital Property. It is very important that user provisioning Real User Monitoring first create RUM specific configuration followed by enabling RUM in Edge Server configuration for the Digital property due to the dependency requirements.
When a user choose "Real User Monitoring" module in Configuration Manager and then try to enable RUM, without having created a RUM speciific configuration tied to the Digital Proeprty in advance, workflow would not allow to proceed to enable RUM. UI would show the checkbox to enable RUM greyed out. This is a known limitation that would be addressed in future. So users are requested to create the RUM specific configuration as the first step to avoid this issue.
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