Edgecast are retiring FTP to their storage by the end of May 2020.
In order to continue using client-side access to your Edgecast storage, the following prerequisites must first happen:
- Your account must have RSYNC enabled.
RSYNC is no longer a paid option, it is now available for free, but it must be enabled by your account manager. - Your FTP user must have RSYNC access enabled.
Approximately one hour after RSYNC is enabled, you will be able to access your Edgecast storage with sftp clients, using the same credentials like for FTP.
Advanced tips
Passwordless access
Edgecast supports passwordless sftp connections.
We recommend that you create a ssh key pair, and place the public key on Edgecast in a file called "authorized_keys" inside folder ".ssh".
As you access a cluster of servers and not a single host, you may also need to turn off SSH host verification for the Edgecast storage by placing the following in your ssh config file - replace <your edgecast storage host name> with your actual host name.
Host <your edgecast storage host name>
HostName <your edgecast storage host name>
StrictHostKeyChecking no
sftp clients
sftp clients exist for all platforms. On Windows you may have to use either the psftp client from the Putty package, Winscp, or something else.
On Linux you can automate file transfer like this:
sftp -o User=$edgecast_user -i $private_key_file $edgecast_storage_host -b text_file_with_commands
On windows with Putty psftp, you can use the recommended way of passwordless connections
psftp -l %edgecast_user% -i %private_key_ppk% %edgecast_storage_host% -b text_file_with_commands
or use the password like this
psftp -l %edgecast_user% -pw %password% %edgecast_storage_host% -b text_file_with_commands
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