in order to set the correct RegEx for conditions in Fatsly please refer to this cheat sheet
(by https://kly.no/varnish/regex.txt , 2016)
Regular expression cheat sheet for Varnish WARNING WARNING WARNING This document was written years ago, for Varnish version 2.0. Varnish has SWITCHED regex engine from posix regex to pcre, and is now case sensitve. There are also numerous other changes. The basic principles still hold true, but you are probably better off using official documentation instead of something I wrote during a lunch break for participants of a Varnish training course back in 2011. WARNING WARNING WARNING Varnish regular expressions are NOT case sensitive. Varnish uses POSIX regular expressions, for a complete guide, see: "man 7 regex" Basic matching: req.url ~ "searchterm" True if req.url contains "searchterm" anywhere. req.url == "searchterm" True if req.url is EXACTLY searchterm Matching at the beginning or end of a string req.http.host ~ "^www." True if req.http.host starts with "www" followed by any single character. req.http.host ~ "^www\." True if req.http.host starts with "www.". Notice that . was escaped. req.url ~ "\.jpg$" True if req.url ends with ".jpg" Multiple matches req.url ~ "\.(jpg|jpeg|css|js)$" True if req.url ends with either "jpg", "jpeg", "css" or "js". Matching with wildcards req.url ~ "jp.g$" True if req.url ends with "jpeg", "jpag", "jp$g" and so on, but NOT true if it ends with "jpg". req.url ~ "jp.*g$" True if req.url ends with "jpg", "jpeg", "jpeeeeeeeg", "jpasfasf@@!!g" and so forth (jp followed by 0 or more random characters ending with the letter 'g'). Conditional matches req.url ~ "\.phg(\?.*)?$" True if req.url ends with ".php" ".php?foo=bar" or ".php?", but not ".phpa". Meaning: Either it ends with just ".php" or ".php" followed by a question mark any any number of characters. req.url ~ "\.[abc]foo$" True if req.url ends with either ".afoo" ".bfoo" or ".cfoo". req.url ~ "\.[a-c]foo$" Same as above. Replacing content set req.http.host = regsub(req.http.host, "^www\.",""); Replaces a leading "www." in the Host-header with a blank, if present. set req.http.x-dummy = regsub(req.http.host, "^www.","leading-3w."); Sets the x-dummy header to contain the host-header, but replaces a leading "www." with "leading-3w" example: Host: www.example.com => Host: www.example.com X-Dummy: leading-3w.example.com Host: example.com => Host: example.com X-Dummy: example.com
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